Lock down is challenging in many ways. For some it provides too much time to dwell on unresolved disputes which drain energy and take up headspace. Mediation has been and still is available online and may offer you the opportunity to explore a lasting resolution. Grasping the nettle of grievance is not diminished by the […]
JUSTICE – Solving Housing Disputes and Mediation
Mediation Values in Citizen-State Disputes
Family Mediation Council – survey results
The normalisation of mediation
The ‘Go to Mediation’ project produced a youtube of how a dispute between Santa and the Elves can escalate – and with mediation, resolve. Its context is seasonal, the message is straight-forward; mediation provides a quicker, cheaper and less stressful, confidential process compared with litigation at court.
Civil and commercial mediation, is it time for a radical overhaul?
Kate Aubrey-Johnson explores what we can learn from the use of mediation in Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Disputes As all practising lawyers are aware, mediation provides a mechanism for resolving legal disputes. However, all too often, mediation is only considered once parties have embarked on litigation. In my experience, the earlier a dispute can […]
Mediation pilot – Court of Protection
On 1st October 2019, a nationwide mediation pilot was launched to run for approximately 18 months for cases which have been issued in the Court of Protection. This was foreshadowed earlier in the year at the Roundtable event. Dr Jaime Lindsey of the University of Essex will lead the independent, formal evaluation of how Court […]
Ordering ADR – the Early Neutral Evaluation case
Introduction Earlier this year (February 2019) I gave a brief summary of themes arising out of the Final Report of the Civil Justice Council’s ADR Working Party “Alternative Dispute Resolution and Civil Justice“ (December 2018). The first topic was whether the courts should be able to order ADR/mediation as a precondition for any further step in […]
Legally Binding Agreements
Three pieces of news before autumn: heads of terms agreed at a mediation were found to constitute a legally binding contract between the parties in the Abberley case; the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) is running a ‘proof of concept’ pilot as it decides whether to introduce formal mediation as one of its routes to dispute resolution […]
Mediation – a comparative Review
The Scottish Government – Judicial Analytical Services specifically – has undertaken a Review of evidence on mediation in civil justice systems from USA and Canada to Australia via Ireland, England and Wales. The purpose was to better understand the ‘international landscape of mediation, its operation and effectiveness’. Co-incidentally or not, there is now a proposed […]